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Moje ime je Petra Koprivec in vsaka skladba, ki sem jo napisala za vas, je uglašena na določeno frekvenco, ki temelji na zlatem rezu, fibonaccijevem zaporedju in staroegipčanskem znanju o mreĹži 9, ki so jo poznali tudi Tesla, Pitagora , Platon in Da'Vinci.


MreĹža 9 je povezana z določenimi barvami, številkami in geometrijskimi vzorci, ki se pojavljajo v glasbi in so v bistvu gradniki našega celotnega vesolja. Ne glede na to, ali gre za pomoč pri zdravljenju, sprostitvi, spanju, pomiritvi vašega otroka ali pa se samo Ĺželite potopiti v čarobni  akustični zvok klavirja. Če Ĺželite prejemati obvestila o najnovejših videoposnetkih in se podati na pot odkrivanja novih dimenzij, se naročite na mailing listo.

WHITE ROSE'S DREAM - Uncover the Calming Power of Soothing Piano Music for Sleep - #528Hz

WHITE ROSE'S DREAM - Uncover the Calming Power of Soothing Piano Music for Sleep - #528Hz

Fall asleep with a gentle embrace of this calming and soothing piano music piece titled White Rose's Dream in 528 Hz My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a specific frequency based on the ancient knowledge of the SECRET GRID OF 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Egyptians, Plato and Da'Vinci. These nine fundamental frequencies of sound are based on universal laws of physics and determine Pi, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence and correlate to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. 1. MONAD - the first sacred geometry symbol I'm revealing is called Monad. It represents SINGULARITY, which itself is associated with the number 1. It's a circle with a single point in the center that signifies the BEGINNING OF ALL CREATION, the source of all things. - in ASTROLOGY Monad symbol represents the SUN. Symbolically, the sun is known as the source of life and energy - indicating its central role in our myths and archetypes. NUMBER 1 - is a true pioneer in numerology, eager to break ground, and represents newness, movement, and the birth of all things. - it is the divine origin of the universe. It is also associated with the LIGHT and the colour WHITE. The sun emits 528 Hz light which denotes the musical note C (DO). 528 Hz - this frequency is used by genetic biochemists to repair DNA - it heals DNA by removing impurities that cause sickness and disease - it was used in the experiment of cleaning polluted ocean water (the BP spill in 2010) with incredible results - It's found in oxygen, rainbows, grass and chlorophyll, sun rays as well as in buzzing of bees - it is ultimately the blueprint which life is based upon - it is called the "Love frequency", "Miracle tone" - John Lennon used 528 Hz in his song "Imagine" - According to a Japanese study, listening to this frequency for five minutes decreases stress in endocrine and autonomic nervous system. Stress markers in participants' saliva were significantly lower than in controls. This study discovered that when individuals listened to 528 Hz music, the tension-anxiety and overall mood disturbance decreased (a change they did not find after those same participants who listened to 440 Hz music). 💿 Track information: Title: White Rose's Dream Composer: Petra Koprivec Index: ★1 Album: Soft Piano Music for Sleeping Follow Petra Koprivec on: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Listen to more calming music on this playlist: Copyright © 2023 by Petra Koprivec. All rights reserved. ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #fallasleep #soothingmusicforsleep #soothingrelaxation #relax #music #sleep #pianomusic #contemporaryclassicalmusic #classicalmusic #pianopieces #528hz #healingmusic #444hz
RED BLOSSOM’S DREAM - Fall asleep with Soothing Piano Music - #333Hz

RED BLOSSOM’S DREAM - Fall asleep with Soothing Piano Music - #333Hz

Allow yourself to be drawn into the heartwarming embrace of "Red Blossom's Dream," a relaxing, loving soundscape recorded at 333Hz. The symbol in the video is called VESICA PISCES which is the SECOND of 9 SACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLS. The main frequencies in this composition are 333 Hz, 666 Hz, and 999 Hz, which are extremely powerful frequencies that can be used for healing, meditation, learning, relaxation, and sleep, as well as anytime you need to calm down and let go of worries. My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a specific frequency based on the ancient knowledge of the SECRET GRID OF 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Egyptians, Plato and Da'Vinci. These nine fundamental frequencies of sound are based on universal laws of physics and determine Pi, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence and correlate to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. 2. VESICA PISCES - is the second symbol in the series of nine sacred geometry patterns, uncovering the mystery behind sacred geometry music. - has been called the Womb of the Universe. - it’s geometric design is both simple and ingenious. It is made up of two parallel circles that overlap in such a way that the center of one circle falls on the circumference of the other. This creates the symbol's unique central part, which has been known for thousands of years as one of the most sacred and mathematically perfect symbols in the world. - is a cornerstone of modern geometry. The height to width ratio of the symbol is precisely 265 over 153 or 1.7320261 which is the root of the number 3 and closely related to 333 Hz - the two circles represent DUALITY - night and day, female and male, moon and sun, + and -, two opposing sides of the same principle that complete each other. NUMBER 2 - is known to numerologists as a supremely feminine force - it represents balance, intuition, grace, power and partnership. It's also associated with the colour RED and denotes the musical note E (MI). 333 Hz, 666 Hz and 999 Hz - 3, 6 and 9 are one of the most powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties. - frequencies whose sum adds up in either 3, 6 or 9 are most resonant frequency. - Nicola Tesla’s most famous quote is: ““If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” 💿 Track information: Title: Red Blossom’s Dream Composer: Petra Koprivec Index: ★5 Album: Soft Piano Music for Sleeping Follow Petra Koprivec on: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Listen to more calming music on this playlist: Copyright © 2023 by Petra Koprivec. All rights reserved. ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #sacredgeometry #sonicgeometry #vesicapisces #fallasleep #soothingmusicforsleep #soothingrelaxation #relax #music #sleep #333hz #666hz #999hz #healingmusic #sacredgeometrymusic #red #blossom #dream #dreaming
ORANGE FIRE’S DREAM  -  The most soothing frequency of sacred geometry #444hz tunning

ORANGE FIRE’S DREAM - The most soothing frequency of sacred geometry #444hz tunning

Allow yourself to be drawn into the heartwarming embrace of “Orange Fire’s Dream" - a relaxing, loving, soothing soundscape. The symbol in the video is called STAR OF DAVID which is the THIRD of 9 SACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLS. The music in this lovely soundscape is tuned to one of the most calming frequencies (Eb major - #627Hz, A = #444Hz). It has the comforting, relaxing, and soothing properties of a warm embrace and soft pillow support. My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a specific frequency based on the ancient knowledge of the SECRET GRID OF 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Egyptians, Plato and Da'Vinci. These nine fundamental frequencies of sound are based on universal laws of physics and determine Pi, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence and correlate to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. 3. STAR OF DAVID - is the third symbol in the series of 9 sacred geometry patterns, uncovering the mystery behind sacred geometry music. - a six-pointed star, the Star of David is composed of two overlaid equilateral triangles, one pointing up and the other pointing down. - is a 2D representation of a 3D Merkaba symbol which allows incarnation to and from the spiritual plane into earthly experience. - the hexagon shape symbolises the union of opposites that creates life itself: the fusing of heaven and earth, and of light and darkness from which the third dimension is born. - triangle's shape correlates to NUMBER 3 which represent the holy trinity: mother, father and spirit. - it symbolises the element of FIRE - a heartwarming embrace of divine support NUMBER 3 - represents the child and magic that result from the fusion of two other things.  - almost everything in life can be divided into three parts: beginning, middle, and end. - throughout our lives, humans experience birth, life, and death. - time is measured using the past, present, and future. - we can take measurements for width, length, and height. - the Sun has three phases: dawn, noon, and dusk. - plants grow in three stages: plant, harvest, and dormant. - the three phases of the Moon that were recognized by ancient matriarchal societies are: waxing, full, and waning. - the Goddess itself is represented by three different personifications: virgin, mother, and crone. It's also associated with the colour ORANGE and denotes the musical note Eb (MI bemol). 627 Hz (A = 444Hz) - the sum of this frequency is 6 (6 + 2 + 7 = 15 1 + 5 = 6) - 3, 6 and 9 are one of the most powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties. - frequencies whose sum adds up in either 3, 6 or 9 are most resonant frequency. - Nicola Tesla’s most famous quote is: ““If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” 💿 Track information: Title: Orange Fire’s Dreams Composer: Petra Koprivec Index: ★6 Album: Soft Piano Music for Sleeping Follow Petra Koprivec on: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Listen to more calming music on this playlist: Copyright © 2023 by Petra Koprivec. All rights reserved. ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #dream #dreams #dreaming #sleeping #fallasleep #musicforsleeping #pianomusic #classicalmusic #contemporaryclassicalmusic #softpiano #softpianomusic #sacredgeometry #sonicgeometry #starofdavid #fallasleep #soothingmusicforsleep #soothingrelaxation #relax #music #sleep #627hz #healingmusic #sacredgeometrymusic
YELLOW LEAVES’ DREAM - #144hz - The #1 Secret to Fall Asleep INSTANTLY

YELLOW LEAVES’ DREAM - #144hz - The #1 Secret to Fall Asleep INSTANTLY

Let "Yellow Leaves' Dream," a tranquil, loving soundscape recorded at 144Hz, lure you into sweet, peaceful dreams. The new symbol I am revealing in this video is the THIRD of 9 SACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLS, also known as EGG OF LIFE. The main frequency in this composition is 144 Hz, which can be used for healing, meditation, learning, relaxation, and sleep as well as whenever you need to calm down and let go of stress. My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a specific frequency based on the ancient knowledge of the SECRET GRID OF 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Egyptians, Plato and Da'Vinci. These nine fundamental frequencies of sound are based on universal laws of physics and determine Pi, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence and correlate to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. 4. EGG OF LIFE - is the fourth symbol in the series of nine sacred geometry patterns, uncovering the mystery behind sacred geometry music. - for many years, people have viewed the Egg of Life as a symbol of a brand-new beginning. Eggs are viewed as a sign of fertility and rebirth by many civilizations. - it is known as the geometrical framework for all of creation. - since the spaces between the circles resemble those between full-tones and semi-tones on the musical chromatic scale, "The Egg of Life" has been assumed to be the organizational framework for music. - at the cellular level, it is identical to the way human embryonic development takes place. Meiosis occurs, dividing initially into two cells, then into four cells, and finally into eight cells. NUMBER 4 - almost from prehistoric times, the number 4 was employed to signify what was solid, what could be touched and felt - its relationship to the cross (four points) made it an outstanding symbol of wholeness and universality - this number represents stability, the base of a pyramid, ground or earth. - There are 4 points of compass: North, South, East and West. - 4 seasons of the year: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. - 4 fundamental elements: Air, Fire, Water and Earth. - 4 sides of a square - It is related to the "cross" symbol. - the SUN CROSS, also known as the solar cross, sun wheel, or wheel cross, is one of the oldest symbols known to mankind. It dates back to prehistoric cultures (Neolitic period) and has been discovered all over the world. - In Biblical terminology, the pronunciation of "SON on the cross" is the same as "SUN on the cross," and it refers to the very beginning of creation. The SOURCE itself. A sun is often painted behind the head of religious figures or behind the “cross” symbol, describing the sacred origin of all things. It's also associated with the colour YELLOW and denotes the musical note D (RE). 144 Hz - is one of the sacred frequencies known and used for hundreds, if not thousands of years - number 144.000 appears in the Bible - there are 144.000 casing stones in the Great Pyramid of Giza - it appears on King’s List of Sumerian Tablets saying: “In Bad-tibira, Enmen-lu-ana ruled for 43,200 years. Enmen-gal-ana ruled for 28,800 years. The divine Dumuzi, the shepherd, ruled for 36,000 years." If we translate the years into frequencies: 43200 = 432Hz ( note A) 28800 = 288 Hz (=144Hz) (note D) 36000 = 360 Hz (note F#) We get a perfect D MAJOR CHORD! - 144 is the twelfth Fibonacci number, and the largest one to also be a square number (which is also its index in the Fibonacci sequence) - 144 is divisible by the value of its φ function, which returns 48 in this case. Also, there are 21 solutions to the equation φ(x) = 144, more than any integer below 144, making it a highly totient number. - 144 is in base 10 a sum-product number, as well as the sum of a twin prime pair (71 + 73). It is also a Harshad number, since 1 + 4 + 4 = 9, which divides 144. The maximum determinant in a 9 by 9 matrix of zeroes and ones is 144. - The snub 24-cell in the fourth dimension, contains a total of 144 polyhedral cells: 120 regular tetrahedra and 24 regular icosahedra. - it is believed to be one of the most sacred and powerful frequencies known to mankind 💿 Track information: Title: Yellow Leaves’ Dream Composer: Petra Koprivec Index: ★7 Album: Soft Piano Music for Sleeping Follow Petra Koprivec on: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Listen to more calming music on this playlist: Copyright © 2023 by Petra Koprivec. All rights reserved. ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #sacredgeometry #sonicgeometry #eggoflife #fallasleep #soothingmusicforsleep #soothingrelaxation #relax #music #sleep #144hz #healingmusic #sacredgeometrymusic #yellow #leaves #dream #dreaming
GREEN FOREST’S DREAM - #99Hz - Fall Asleep Fast with Soothing Piano Music

GREEN FOREST’S DREAM - #99Hz - Fall Asleep Fast with Soothing Piano Music

Let the loving and grounding “Green Forest’s Dream," recorded at 99Hz frequency, embrace you and carry you to the dream world. The new symbol I am revealing in this video is the FIFTH of 9 SACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLS, also known as METATRON’S CUBE. The main frequency in this composition is 99 Hz, which can be used for healing, meditation, learning, relaxation, and sleep as well as whenever you need to ground, calm down and let go of stress. My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a specific frequency based on the ancient knowledge of the SECRET GRID OF 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Egyptians, Plato and Da'Vinci. These nine fundamental frequencies of sound are based on universal laws of physics and determine Pi, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence and correlate to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. 5. METATRON’S CUBE - is the fifth symbol in the series of nine sacred geometry patterns, uncovering the mystery behind sacred geometry music. - is considered as one of the most sacred of all geometric patterns. - it is composed of 13 equal circles joined together by straight lines extending from their centers. - this complex Sacred Geometry structure is derived from the ancient structure of the Flower of Life. It is named after the Archangel Metatron who appears in Jewish tradition, Christian tradition, and in some aspects of Islam. - it contains EVERY SHAPE that has ever been created in the universe, and those shapes serve as the foundation for all matter. They are also referred to as Platonic solids because Plato associated them with both physical elements on Earth and the spirit world of heaven. These three-dimensional forms can be found throughout ALL OF CREATION, from crystals to human DNA. - there are all 5 PLATONIC SOLIDS hidden inside the Metatron's Cube, which are the universe's building blocks and are equated with the five elements from which everything is made: Star Tetrahedron - Fire Hexahedron - Earth Octahedron - Air Icosahedron - Water Dodecahedron - Ether NUMBER 5 - is linked to the five-pointed star, or "Haykal," which in Arabic means "Temple" or “The Body or Form of something," thus representing the element of Earth - Mother Nature, the ground from which everything emerges. - there are five senses — sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste — to experience the world. - We also have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. - it is believed that in order for something to come to life, to be manifested, there needs to be at least 5 elements, frequencies or shapes combined - is the fifth Fibonacci number, being 2 plus 3. It is the only Fibonacci number that is equal to its position aside from 1, which is both the first and second Fibonacci numbers. It is also the third smallest prime number, and the second super-prime. It's also associated with the colour GREEN and denotes the musical note G (SOL). 99 Hz - 3, 6 and 9 are one of the most powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties, 9 being the ultimate number - frequencies whose sum adds up in either 3, 6 or 9 are most resonant frequency. - Nicola Tesla’s most famous quote is: ““If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” - 9 + 9 = 18 1 + 8 = 9 💿 Track information: Title: Green Forest’s Dream Composer: Petra Koprivec Index: ★8 Album: Soft Piano Music for Sleeping Follow Petra Koprivec on: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Listen to more calming music on this playlist: Copyright © 2023 by Petra Koprivec. All rights reserved. ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #sacredgeometry #sonicgeometry #metatronscube #fallasleep #soothingmusicforsleep #soothingrelaxation #relax #music #sleep #99hz #healingmusic #sacredgeometrymusic #green #forest #dream #dreaming
BLUE SKY’S DREAM - #360Hz - Unveiling the Secret of Sacred Geometry Music

BLUE SKY’S DREAM - #360Hz - Unveiling the Secret of Sacred Geometry Music

Allow the powerful 360 Hz vibration of "Blue Sky's Dream" to carry you to new realms and wonderful dream worlds. The new symbol I am revealing in this video is the SIXTH of 9 SACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLS, also known as MERKABA. The primary frequency in this composition is 360 Hz, which is also the frequency of the geometric shapes of a Circle and a Square, resonating in F#. It can be used to ground, calm down, and release stress, as well as for healing, meditation, learning, relaxation, and sleep. My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a specific frequency based on the ancient knowledge of the SECRET GRID OF 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Egyptians, Plato and Da'Vinci. These nine fundamental frequencies of sound are based on universal laws of physics and determine Pi, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence and correlate to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. 6. MERKABA - is the sixth symbol in the series of nine sacred geometry patterns, uncovering the mystery behind sacred geometry music. - Mer means “rotating fields of LIGHT,” Ka means “SPIRIT,” and Bah means “SOUL.” - in Hebrew, MerKaBah also means “chariot” - the Divine Vehicle. - The two triangles represent the Union of Masculine and Feminine Energy: the upright triangle represents the Sacred Masculine through the following traits: Sun, Life, Fire, Heat, the Spiritual World, Evolution, the trinity of Love – Truth – Wisdom. - the horizontal line at the bottom of the triangle represents Air. - the inverted triangle represents the Sacred Feminine through the following traits: Moon, the Matrix, Water, Cool, the Natural World, the Body, the Yoni, the Shakti, Involution, and the Great Mother. When this blending is viewed in 2-D, one sees the Star of David. However, pull it into 3-D, and you now have two intersecting tetrahedrons, resulting in the MerKaBah. This is the true power of 6 in sacred geometry. - represents the two poles of reality : negative and positive, yin and yang NUMBER 6 - is the building block of life. In organic chemistry the number 6 is the design of a perfect structure and maximum stability. - is a mirror image of the number 9. 9 represents the highest spiritual realm, while 6 represents its reflection on Earth. “As above - so below.” - the esoteric meaning of the six is that it was considered a “number of Creation” (“God in six days created the world”) - the symmetry of 6 is an expression of the sacred geometry that governs the material forms throughout the universe. - the symmetry of opposites also expresses the unity of polarities - when multiplied into itself, like the pentad, six has also always itself in the unit place, thus, 6, 36, 216, 1296, 7776. - refers to the six couples of gods who govern the twelve signs of the zodiac. It's also associated with the colour BLUE and denotes the musical note F# (FA DIESIS). 360 Hz - up until now, people believed it was impossible to hear a "shape" or "geometric form," but by converting 360 degree angles in a circle or square to a frequency of 360 hertz (Hz), we can literally HEAR the circle, and the frequency vibrates in the note F#! - furthermore, if you keep adding up the frequencies of the next six consecutive geometric shapes, you'll get the perfect sequence of F# HARMONICS, with the first six harmonics forming a PERFECT F# MAJOR CHORD. - 3, 6 and 9 are one of the most powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties, 9 being the ultimate number. - frequencies whose sum adds up in either 3, 6 or 9 are most resonant frequency. - 360 Hz 3 + 6 + 0 = 9 - Nicola Tesla’s most famous quote is: ““If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” 💿 Track information: Title: Blue Sky’s Dream Composer: Petra Koprivec Index: ★9 Album: Soft Piano Music for Sleeping Follow Petra Koprivec on: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Listen to more calming music on this playlist: Copyright © 2023 by Petra Koprivec. All rights reserved. ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #sacredgeometry #sonicgeometry #merkaba #fallasleep #soothingmusicforsleep #soothingrelaxation #circle #square #frequency #F# #relax #music #sleep #360hz #healingmusic #sacredgeometrymusic #blue #sky #dream #dreaming
INDIGO OCEAN’S DREAM - #88hz Peaceful Soundscape for a Restful Sleep #FlowerOfLife

INDIGO OCEAN’S DREAM - #88hz Peaceful Soundscape for a Restful Sleep #FlowerOfLife

Allow the calming, soft piano music of "Indigo Ocean's Dream" to carry you to deep waters of a restful night's sleep. The new symbol I am revealing in this video is the SEVENTH of 9 SACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLS, also known as FLOWER OF LIFE. It is one of the oldest Sacred Geometry Symbols known to mankind, found in ancient sites all over the world. Hopefully this wonderful soundscape will provide you with a restful night's sleep, meaningful dreams, and a new healing quality in your daily life. My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a specific frequency based on the ancient knowledge of the SECRET GRID OF 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Egyptians, Plato and Da'Vinci. These nine fundamental frequencies of sound are based on universal laws of physics and determine Pi, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence and correlate to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. 7. FLOWER OF LIFE - is the seventh symbol in the series of nine sacred geometry patterns, uncovering the mystery behind sacred geometry music. - contains 19 circles and it is believed to represent the birth of the universe as it emerges from a single emulating point. - was found to have been carved in the Assyrian Palace of King Ashurbanipal about 645 BC. It was also discovered in ancient Egypt at the Osiris temple, and it is thought to contain the "hidden code" underlying the important principles of the universe and life as we know it. - although being made up of only overlapping circles, the flower of life contains complex mathematical formulas such as the Fibinacci sequence, the golden ratio, the mathematical formula for pi, and even root formulas for musical scales. - despite the fact that he lived over 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci is still well-known today. He was said to be "obsessed" with sacred geometry. Many of his paintings and sculptures feature the dimensions, ratios, and alignments of the flower of life proportions, including his well-known Mona Lisa painting. But maybe the best example of Da Vinci's use of the Flower of Life geometry can be seen in his famous illustration of the "Vitruvian Man". NUMBER 7 - is the symbol of completion, perfection and eternal life. - there are 7 days of the week, - 7 wonders of the world, - 7 original planets, - 7 chakras, - 7 notes in a scale. The 7th scale degree is called either the subtonic or leading tone.  - there are 7 prime colors in Isaac Newton’s color sequence, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Newton believed that the number seven was the epitome of completeness therefore, he thought that there must be seven colors in light and seven colors in the rainbow.  - furthermore, the number seven is special throughout many religions and cultures. For example, in Islam, babies are named on the 7th day following the birth of a child. Additionally, in Christianity, God creates the world in 7 days (resting on the 7th day). It's also associated with the colour INDIGO and denotes the musical note F (FA). 88 Hz (A = 111 Hz) - 3, 6 and 9 are one of the most powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties, 9 being the ultimate number. - frequencies whose sum adds up in either 3, 6 or 9 are most resonant frequency. - 111 Hz 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 - 88 Hz 8 + 8 = 16 1 + 6 = 7 - Nicola Tesla’s most famous quote is: ““If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” 💿 Track information: Title: Indigo Ocean’s Dream Composer: Petra Koprivec Index: ★10 Album: Soft Piano Music for Sleeping Follow Petra Koprivec on: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Listen to more calming music on this playlist: Copyright © 2023 by Petra Koprivec. All rights reserved. ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #sacredgeometry #sonicgeometry #floweroflife #fallasleep #soothingmusicforsleep #soothingrelaxation #frequency #88hz #111hz #444hz #relax #music #sleep #healingmusic #sacredgeometrymusic #indigo #ocean #dream #dreaming
PURPLE NEBULA’S DREAM - Soft Piano music in #111hz - The Most Special Frequency

PURPLE NEBULA’S DREAM - Soft Piano music in #111hz - The Most Special Frequency

Fall asleep fast with soft piano music of “Purple Nebula’s Dream”, transporting you to other dimensions in the universe. The new symbol I am revealing in this video is the EIGHT of 9 SACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLS, also known as TORUS. Hopefully this wonderful soundscape tuned to 444Hz will provide you with a restful night's sleep, meaningful dreams, and a new healing quality in your daily life. The composition begins with a unique numerical sequence: 1 2 4 8 7 5, which is expressed in music through the 1. 2. 4. 8. 7. and 5. degree of an A major scale - A B D A G# E representing the infinite flow of energy in the universe formed through the BINARY system - the same way that our very own life and various dimensions are formed. (one cell splits in two, then in four, eight...). My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a specific frequency based on the ancient knowledge of the SECRET GRID OF 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Egyptians, Plato and Da'Vinci. These nine fundamental frequencies of sound are based on universal laws of physics and determine Pi, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence and correlate to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. 8. TORUS - is the eight symbol in the series of nine sacred geometry patterns, uncovering the mystery behind sacred geometry music. - an example of a torus is a vortex. Everything contains a torus, including atoms, life forms, and even cosmic bodies like stars and galaxies. It is the fundamental shape of existence. - is a basic sacred geometry form. When properly aligned, all energy continuously cycles between spirit and matter. - represents how something begins as a descent from spirit or ascent from matter via a central conduit of light, energy, or consciousness. A never ending flow, always circling. - the energy of the object can only go so far in one direction before it doubles back on itself, returning to its source, gaining energy, going forward again, achieving a certain height or depth, before needing to return again to gather more from source. This is a process that occurs in all objects in existence, eventually. An object can go only so far in its ascent/descent before the opposite polarity pulls it back to itself. - in terms of geometry, it is a field of energy composed of waves that continuously circulate around the body. When energy streams converge, they form a vortex whorl. Consider a ripple-producing wave pattern, but imagine that movement as three-dimensional and flowing in the shape of a doughnut around our body. NUMBER 8 - It represents infinity. If you turn the number horizontally you literally get the symbol for INFINITY. - is involved with a number of interesting mathematical phenomena related to the notion of Bott periodicity. If is the direct limit of the inclusions of real orthogonal groups. - since the demotion of Pluto to a dwarf planet on 24 August 2006, in our Solar System, EIGHT of the bodies orbiting the Sun are considered to be planets. - is the atomic number of oxygen. - also known as Ashta in Sanskrit, it is the number of wealth and abundance. The goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi, has eight forms known as Ashta Lakshmi. - the Dharmacakra, a Buddhist symbol, has eight spokes. The Buddha's principal teaching—the Four Noble Truths—ramifies as the Noble Eightfold Path and the Buddha emphasizes the importance of the eight attainments or jhanas. - Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday that starts on the 25th day of Kislev. - in Islam, eight is the number of angels carrying the throne of Allah and number of gates of heaven. It's also associated with the colour PURPLE and denotes the musical note A (LA). 111 Hz, 222 Hz, 444 Hz & 888 Hz (all these frequencies are notes A in different octaves) - Many ancient sites are tuned to the frequency of 111Hz such a Stonehenge and chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza - 111 Hz is known to alter the consciousness - Triple numbers are called MASTER NUMBERS in numerology, having special powers which makes them the most sacred and powerful frequencies in the universe. 💿 Track information: Title: Purple Nebula’s Dream Composer: Petra Koprivec Index: ★11 Album: Soft Piano Music for Sleeping Follow Petra Koprivec on: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Listen to more calming music on this playlist: Copyright © 2023 by Petra Koprivec. All rights reserved. ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #sacredgeometry #sonicgeometry #floweroflife #fallasleep #soothingmusicforsleep #soothingrelaxation #frequency #111hz #222hz #444hz #888hz #relax #music #sleep #healingmusic #sacredgeometrymusic #purple #nebula #dream #dreaming


Fall asleep fast with soft piano music of “Black Bird’s Dream”, transporting you to other dimensions in the universe. The last symbol of 9 SACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLS is a circle - representing UNITY, ONENESS. Hopefully this wonderful soundscape tuned to the most harmonic frequency 999Hz will provide you with a restful night's sleep, meaningful dreams, and a new healing quality in your daily life. My name is Petra Koprivec, and each piece of music I composed for you is tuned to a specific frequency based on the ancient knowledge of the SECRET GRID OF 9, which was previously known to Tesla, Pythagoras, Egyptians, Plato and Da'Vinci. These nine fundamental frequencies of sound are based on universal laws of physics and determine Pi, Phi, the Fibonacci sequence and correlate to specific colours, numbers, and sacred geometric patterns that appear in music and are essentially the building blocks of our entire universe. 9. CIRCLE - is the ninth symbol in the series of nine sacred geometry patterns, uncovering the mystery behind sacred geometry music. - represents the 9th dimension - completeness of creation. - depicts a never-ending loop since it appears to have no beginning or end. - In sacred geometry circle can be seen as a representation of unity. Pi, or the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, can be used to demonstrate concept of this "never-ending" shape. - everything in nature is curved and flows in cycles; there are no straight lines. Life, death, and rebirth; day, night, and day; a never-ending flow of energy. Every form and shape has a curve and is made up of circles, waves, and spheres, such as planets, cells, flowers, trees, mountains, see waves… The only straight lines that exist are those that people have created - therefore the circle symbolises the feminine force of creation - SPIRITUAL WORLD, while the straight lines stand for the masculine force - all of the material world NUMBER 9 - is the last and ultimate number representing UNITY. - despite the fact that the numbers in our decimal system continue (10, 11, 12,...), they are all the sum of two numbers (1 + 0, 1 + 1, 1 + 2,...) - its shape represents the SPIRAL - Fibonacci spiral, universe spiral - ever growing and all including space of all creation. - has the highest vibrational frequency. - no matter what number you multiply by 9, the sum is always 9. For instance, 3 x 9 = 27 2 + 7 = 9 that is why it has the highest spiritual power - “whatever is touched by spirit becomes spirit” - represents magic, mysticism, the night, feminine energy, a global phenomenon and fulfillment. - just as number 1 represents the singularity, light, and beginning of creation, number 9 represents unity, completion, and WHOLENESS. - is the most powerful number of them all It's also associated with the colour BLACK (or NEGATIVE GREEN of BG3 energy by dr. Ibrahim Karim) and denotes the musical note B (SI). 999 Hz - 3, 6 and 9 are one of the most powerful numbers with incredible mathematical properties, 9 being the ultimate number. - frequencies whose sum adds up in either 3, 6 or 9 are most resonant frequency. - Nicola Tesla’s most famous quote is: ““If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” 💿 Track information: Title: Black Bird’s Dream Composer: Petra Koprivec Index: ★12 Album: Soft Piano Music for Sleeping Follow Petra Koprivec on: Website: Instagram: Youtube: Listen to more calming music on this playlist: Copyright © 2023 by Petra Koprivec. All rights reserved. ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #sacredgeometry #sonicgeometry #circle #fallasleep #soothingmusicforsleep #soothingrelaxation #frequency #999hz #relax #music #sleep #healingmusic #sacredgeometrymusic #black #bird #dream #dreaming



predstavlja singularnost, začetek vsega stvarstva, vir vseh stvari. V astrologiji simbol monade predstavlja sonce. Simbolično je sonce znano kot vir življenja in energije, kar kaže na njegovo osrednjo vlogo v naših mitih in arhetipih.


se imenuje maternica vesolja in predstavlja dvojnost: noč in dan, žensko in moško, luna in sonce, + in -, dve nasprotujoči si strani istega principa, ki se dopolnjujeta. Njegova geometrijska oblika je preprosta in domiselna. Že tisočletja je bil znan kot eden najbolj svetih in matematično popolnih simbolov na svetu.


Simbolizira sveto trojico matere, očeta in duha. Je 2D predstavitev 3D simbola Merkaba, ki omogoča inkarnacijo v duhovno raven in iz nje. Predstavlja element ognja, topel objem božanske podpore. Oblika šesterokotnika predstavlja združitev nasprotij, ki rojeva življenje: zlitje neba in zemlje, pa tudi svetlobe in teme, iz katere izhaja tretja dimenzija.

4. JAJCE ŽIVLJENJA 1. verzija.png


je simbol novih začetkov. Mnoge civilizacije menijo, da je jajce življenja simbol plodnosti in ponovnega rojstva. Predpostavlja se, da je glasbeni organizacijski okvir, ker so presledki med krogi podobni tistim med polnimi toni in poltoni na glasbeni kromatski lestvici. Podobno je, kako poteka človeški embrionalni razvoj na celični ravni. Pojavi se mejoza, pri čemer se celice najprej razdelijo na dve, nato na štiri in nazadnje na osem; zato jajce življenja velja za temeljni geometrični okvir vsega stvarstva.

5. METATRONOVA KOCKA 1. verzija.png


je poimenovana po nadangelu Metatronu, ki se pojavlja v judovski tradiciji, krščanski tradiciji in nekaterih vidikih islama ter predstavlja most med materijo in božanskim. Vsebuje vse oblike, ki so bile kdaj ustvarjene v vesolju, in te oblike delujejo kot osnova za vso snov. Znane so tudi kot PLATONSKE TRDNINE, ker jih je Platon povezal tako z duhovnim svetom nebes kot fizičnimi elementi na Zemlji. Od kristalov do človeške DNK, te tridimenzionalne oblike je mogoče najti v vsakem delu stvaritve:


Zvezdni tetraeder: Ogenj

Heksaeder: Zemlja

Oktaeder: zrak

Ikozaeder: Voda

Dodekaeder: Eter

6. MERKABA 1. verzija.png


Mer pomeni "vrteča svetlobna polja". Ka pomeni "duh", Bah pa "duša". MerKaBah, božansko vozilo, ima v hebrejščini tudi pomen "kočija".
Pokončni trikotnik predstavlja sveto moško s pomočjo naslednjih lastnosti: sonce, življenje, ogenj, toplota, duhovni svet, evolucija in trojstvo ljubezni, resnice in modrosti.

Zrak simbolizira vodoravna črta na dnu trikotnika.
Obrnjen trikotnik simbolizira sveto žensko skozi naslednje značilnosti: luna, matrica, voda, hlad, naravni svet, telo, yoni, shakti, involucija in velika mati.

Dva trikotnika predstavljata zdruĹžitev moĹĄke in Ĺženske energije.

7. ROŽA ŽIVLJENJA 1. verzija.png


domneva se, da vsebuje "skrito kodo", ki podpira temeljne zakone vesolja in življenja, kot ga poznamo. Vključuje kompleksne matematične formule, kot so Fibonaccijevo zaporedje, zlati rez, matematična formula pi in korenske formule za glasbene lestvice.

Za Leonarda da Vincija so rekli, da je bil "obseden" s sveto geometrijo in je še danes dobro znan, kljub dejstvu, da je živel pred več kot 500 leti. Številne njegove slike in kipi, vključno z dobro znano Mona Liso, prikazujejo dimenzije, razmerja in poravnave rože življenja. Najbolj znan primer Da Vincijeve uporabe geometrije rože življenja je njegova znamenita ilustracija "Vitruvijskega človeka".

8. TORUS 1. verzija.png


Vrtinec je primer torusa. Torus je mogoče najti v vsem, vključno z atomi, življenjskimi oblikami in kozmičnimi telesi, kot so zvezde in galaksije. Je najbolj temeljna oblika obstoja. Ko je vsa energija pravilno usklajena, nenehno kroži med duhom in materijo.
Predstavlja začetek nečesa kot spust iz duha ali vzpon iz materije skozi osrednji kanal svetlobe, energije in zavesti. Neskončen tok, ki vedno kroži. Je energijsko polje, sestavljeno iz valov, ki nenehno krožijo po telesu. Ko dva ali več energijskih tokov trčita, tvorita vrtinec. Razmislite o valovnem vzorcu, ki povzroča valovanje, vendar si ga predstavljajte kot tridimenzionalnega in teče okoli našega telesa v obliki krofa.

9. ENOTNOST 1. verzija.png


predstavlja enotnost. Dokončanje ustvarjanja; neskončna zanka, ker se zdi, da nima ne začetka ne konca. Pi ali razmerje med obsegom in premerom kroga se lahko uporabi za prikaz koncepta te "nikoli končne" oblike. Vse v naravi je ukrivljeno in teče v ciklih; ravnih črt ni.

Življenje, smrt in ponovno rojstvo;

dan, noč in dan;

neskončen tok energije. Vsaka oblika in oblika ima krivuljo in je sestavljena iz krogov, valov in krogel, kot so planeti, celice, rože, drevesa, gore, morski valovi itd. Ljudje so ustvarili edine ravne črte, ki obstajajo. Posledično krog predstavlja žensko silo kreacije – duhovni svet.



je pravi pionir v numerologiji, ki si želi oriti ledino in predstavlja vso novost, gibanje in rojstvo. Predstavlja božanski začetek vesolja. Povezana je tudi s svetlobo in belo barvo. Sonce oddaja svetlobo pri 528 Hz, kar ustreza glasbeni noti C (DO).





528 Hz


To frekvenco uporabljajo genetski biokemiki za popravljanje DNK; zdravi DNK z odstranjevanjem nečistoč, ki povzročajo bolezni in bolezni; uporabljen je bil v poskusu čiščenja onesnažene oceanske vode (razlitje BP leta 2010) z neverjetnimi rezultati; najdemo ga v kisiku, mavricah, travi in klorofilu, sončnih žarkih, pa tudi v brenčanju čebel. Znan je kot "frekvenca ljubezni" ali "čudežni ton". John Lennon je v svoji pesmi "Imagine" uporabil 528 Hz.

Japonska študija je pokazala, da petminutno poslušanje te frekvence zmanjša stres v endokrinem in avtonomnem živčnem sistemu.


Numerologi štejejo število 2 za izjemno žensko silo. Predstavlja harmonijo, intuicijo, milost, moč in sodelovanje. Povezana je tudi z rdečo barvo in označuje glasbeno noto E (MI). Rdeča barva simbolizira ljubezen, ženskost in življenjsko moč.





333, 666 in 999 Hz


Tri, šest in devet so izjemno močna števila z neverjetnimi matematičnimi lastnostmi. Najbolj resonančne frekvence so tiste, katerih vsota je 3, 6 ali 9. Najbolj znan citat Nicole Tesle je: "Če bi le poznali veličastnost 3, 6 in 9, bi imeli ključ do vesolja."


Ker so glavna števila – v tem primeru dvojna ali celo trojna, jim dajejo še večjo moč in resonanco.


predstavlja otroka in čarovnijo, ki jo ustvari zlitje dveh drugih stvari. Skoraj vse v življenju je mogoče razdeliti na tri dele: začetek, sredino in konec; rojstvo, življenje in smrt; preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost; širina, dolžina in višina. Boginja sama je poosebljena na tri načine: kot devica, mati in krona. Sorodna je tudi z oranžno barvo in označuje glasbeno noto Eb (MI be-mol).


627 Hz (A = 444 Hz)


Vsota te frekvence je 6

(6 + 2 + 7 = 15          1 + 5 = 6)

Tri, šest in devet so izjemno močna števila z neverjetnimi matematičnimi lastnostmi. Najbolj resonančne frekvence so tiste, katerih vsota je 3, 6 ali 9. Najbolj znan citat Nicole Tesle je: "Če bi le poznali veličastnost 3, 6 in 9, bi imeli ključ do vesolja."


4. JAJCE ŽIVLJENJA 1. verzija.png


Predstavlja stabilnost, celovitost in univerzalnost; je osnova piramide, tla ali zemlje. Na kompasu so štiri točke: sever, jug, vzhod in zahod. 4 letni časi: zima, pomlad, poletje in jesen; 4 temeljni elementi: zrak, ogenj, voda in zemlja.SONČNI KRIŽ je eden najstarejših simbolov, ki jih pozna človeštvo (neolitsko obdobje)

V svetopisemski terminologiji je izgovor "SIN na križu" enak kot "SONCE na križu" in se nanaša na sam začetek stvarjenja. VIR sam. Sonce je pogosto naslikano za glavo verskih osebnosti ali za simbolom "križa", ki opisuje sveti izvor vseh stvari.

Povezana je tudi z RUMENO barvo in označuje glasbeno noto D (RE).




je ena od svetih frekvenc, znanih in uporabljenih že stotine, če ne tisoče let. Številka 144.000 se pojavi v Svetem pismu. V Veliki piramidi v Gizi je 144.000 ohišja. Pojavi se na kraljevem seznamu sumerskih tablic. 144 je dvanajsto Fibonaccijevo število in največje, ki je tudi kvadratno število (ki je tudi njegov indeks v Fibonaccijevem zaporedju).

Verjamejo, da je ena najbolj svetih in najmočnejših frekvenc, kar jih pozna človeštvo.

5. METATRONOVA KOCKA 1. verzija.png


je povezan s peterokrako zvezdo ali "Haykal", kar v arabščini pomeni "tempelj" in tako predstavlja Zemljo, mater naravo, tla, iz katerih vse izhaja. Za doživljanje sveta imamo pet čutil: vid, vonj, sluh, dotik in okus. Imamo tudi po pet prstov na rokah in nogah. Menijo, da potrebujemo vsaj pet elementov, da nekaj zaživi ali se manifestira. Število 5 je prav tako povezano z zeleno barvo in predstavlja glasbeno noto G (SOL).







Tri, šest in devet so izjemno močna števila z neverjetnimi matematičnimi lastnostmi. Najbolj resonančne frekvence so tiste, katerih vsota je 3, 6 ali 9. Najbolj znan citat Nicole Tesle je: "Če bi le poznali veličastnost 3, 6 in 9, bi imeli ključ do vesolja."


Ker je glavno število, mu daje še večjo moč in resonanco.

6. MERKABA 1. verzija.png


je inverzna številka 9, ki predstavlja najvišje duhovno področje, medtem ko število 6 predstavlja njen odsev na Zemlji.

"Tako zgoraj kot spodaj."

Ezoterični pomen šestice je, da je veljal za "število stvarjenja"; Bog je ustvaril svet v šestih dneh. Simetrija števila 6 izraža sveto geometrijo, ki vlada vsem materialnim oblikam v vesolju. Nanaša se tudi na šest parov bogov, ki vladajo dvanajstim zodiakalnim znamenjem. Sorodna je modri barvi in označuje glasbeno noto F# (FA DIESIS).





360 Hz


do zdaj so ljudje verjeli, da je nemogoče sliĹĄati "obliko" ali "geometrijsko obliko", toda s pretvorbo 360 stopinjskih kotov v krogu ali kvadratu na frekvenco 360 hercev (Hz) lahko dobesedno SLIĹ IMO krog in frekvenca vibrira v noti F#! poleg tega, če nenehno seĹĄtevate frekvence naslednjih ĹĄestih zaporednih geometrijskih oblik, boste dobili popolno zaporedje F# HARMONIK, pri čemer prvih ĹĄest harmonikov tvori POPOLN F# DUROV AKORD. 

7. ROŽA ŽIVLJENJA 1. verzija.png


je simbol dokončanja, popolnosti in večnega življenja. Obstaja 7 dni v tednu, 7 čudes sveta, 7 izvirnih planetov, 7 čaker in 7 not v lestvici. V barvnem zaporedju Isaaca Newtona je sedem osnovnih barv: rdeča, oranžna, rumena, zelena, modra, indigo in vijolična. Poleg tega v krščanstvu Bog ustvari svet v 7 dneh (7. dan počiva). Povezana je tudi z barvo indigo in označuje glasbeno noto F (FA).









88 Hz (A = 111 Hz)


Tri, šest in devet so izjemno močna števila z neverjetnimi matematičnimi lastnostmi. Najbolj resonančne frekvence so tiste, katerih vsota je 3, 6 ali 9. Najbolj znan citat Nicole Tesle je: "Če bi le poznali veličastnost 3, 6 in 9, bi imeli ključ do vesolja."

8. TORUS 1. verzija.png


Predstavlja neskončnost. Če ĹĄtevilko obrnete vodoravno, dobesedno dobite simbol za "neskončnost". Od degradacije Plutona na pritlikavi planet 24. avgusta 2006 v naĹĄem sončnem sistemu osem teles, ki kroĹžijo okoli sonca, velja za planete. Znana je tudi kot Ashta v sanskrt, je ĹĄtevilo bogastva in obilja. Boginja bogastva in blaginje,LakĹĄmi, ima osem oblik, znanih kot AshtaLakĹĄmi. Povezana je tudi z vijolično barvo in označuje glasbeno noto A (LA).








111 Hz, 222 Hz, 444 Hz & 888 Hz

(vse te frekvence so note A v različnihoktave)


Mnoga starodavna mesta so nastavljena na frekvenco 111 Hz, kot sta Stonehenge in prostori Velike piramide v Gizi.  Znano je, da 111 Hz spreminja zavest. 




9. ENOTNOST 1. verzija.png


je zadnje in končno število, ki predstavlja enotnost. Njegova oblika predstavlja SPIRALO - Fibonaccijevo spiralo, vesoljsko spiralo - nenehno rastočo in vse vključno s prostorom vsega stvarstva. Ima najvišjo frekvenco vibracij. Ne glede na to, katero število pomnožite z 9, je vsota vedno 9, zato ima najvišjo duhovno moč: »česar se dotakne duh, postane duh«. Predstavlja magijo, mistiko, noč, žensko energijo, globalni fenomen in izpolnitev. Tako kot številka 1 predstavlja singularnost, svetlobo in začetek stvarjenja, številka 9 predstavlja enotnost, dokončanje in celovitost. To je najmočnejše število od vseh. Povezana je tudi s črno barvo (ali negativno zeleno energijo BG3 dr. Ibrahima Karima) in označuje glasbeno noto B (SI).


999 Hz


To je končna frekvenca – trojna glavna številka 9 – najmočnejša od vseh.




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